5 Acne Scar Treatments That Actually Work

Acne is among the most common skin conditions in the world. In the United States alone, more than 50 million people are affected by it each year. Acne was prevalent among the masses for a long time, but now it has come under relative control. However, people are still left with residual acne scarring, which can be problematic.

The thing that makes treating acne scars difficult is that each scar is different and that it needs to be treated accordingly. Not only that but treating acne scars is a long process and demands a lot of patience. Each treatment builds on the foundation laid by the previous treatment, which is why most patients prefer using a combination of different therapies. So, let’s talk about the five best acne scar treatments without further ado.

Types of Acne Scars

One of the first things that you need to know about acne scarring is that there are four different types of scars. The first is known as a pink scar, which is the most common type. The second is a depressed scar which appears when the body doesn’t produce enough collagen during the healing process. Next, we have ice pick scars which are deep and narrow. Lastly, we have raised scars that form when the body produces too much collagen during the healing process. Even though there are many great treatments to help with acne scars, it is still a better idea to prevent acne scarring in the first place.

Steroid Injection

Sunspots are created due to acne scarring; however, when you visit a dermatologist memorial, they might be able to treat it using steroid injection therapy. This treatment is usually done when the scars are raised and are causing redness on the skin. The steroid injection is then used to decrease the inflammation, which flattens the scar and prevents acne scarring. To get the best results, multiple sessions are recommended with low doses. If too much Kenalog is injected, it can form a depression in the tissue.

Dermal Fillers

The next treatment useful for treating acne scarring is dermal fillers. A dermatologist memorial will use fillers to fill in shadow acne scars. This treatment is usually used when the acne scarring is patchy or sparse. One thing to keep in mind is that dental filler treatment is not recommended for larger areas like the cheeks.


Laser treatment is another course of action that you can take to treat acne scarring. This treatment stimulates the body to produce more collagen and helps remove scarring. It is common for acne scarring to leave pigmentation on the skin, but luckily, with the help of laser treatment, you can get rid of those red spots.

Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling or collagen induction therapy is among the most popular treatment for acne scarring. The procedure forces the body to create new healthy collagen simply by creating controlled injuries to the skin. The main benefit of this therapy is that you can select the depth of the skin being targeted. It is a gradual process, and it typically takes around five sessions at the dermatologist in Houston, Texas, to complete. PRP is a treatment that helps during micro-needling therapy, and it helps increase collagen production and even speeds up the recovery process.

Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling

Another effective acne scar surgery is radiofrequency micro-needling. For the most part, it shares the same benefits as regular micro-needling; however, there are some differences. Firstly, heat is an important tool during this surgery that helps tighten the skin, which allows for a slightly deeper reach. This is the go-to option for a dermatologist in Houston, Texas, for patients who have deeper scarring. It is recommended to use PRP during this surgery as well as it will allow the surgeon to perfect acne scar surgery more effectively and remove dark spots.

Preventing Breakouts

When an acne breakout first appears, it is essential to deal with it, but you should also find out what causes your scarring. It can either be due to overproduction or underproduction of collagen. Once you know the cause, you can start treatments to ensure that your acne doesn’t leave scars in the future.