Common Electrolysis Hair Removal Questions

Benefits of Electrolysis Hair Removal

Before undergoing electrolysis, not many people are knowledgeable about the process. Below is a list of common questions and answers that may help you understand how electrolysis works.

What are the Key Benefits Of Electrolysis Hair Removal?

There are several benefits of this modern hair removal technique. Electrolysis is the only FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved method of permanent hair removal. 

  • Electrolysis works on ALL body parts, ALL hair types, and ALL skin complexions. 
  • Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis can treat all hair colors, including red, blond, white, and gray.

How Does Electrolysis Hair Removal Work?

During the process, the electrologist inserts a small probe into an individual hair follicle and applies a micro current of electricity to the root. The heat generated then damages and destroys the papilla and germination cells, thus killing the hair follicle. Each treatment of electrolysis effectively destroys 20 to 30 percent of the hairs treated.

How Long Does the Electrolysis Process Take?

Each individual electrolysis treatment can vary in time. Typically, an appointment can last 15 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treated area. However, several treatments are required over several months in order to effectively clear the hair from a treated area. The amount of time needed to remove the hair depends on the area’s amount of hair and follicle density. Treatments are spaced about a month apart, and usually take 9 to 16 months to completely remove the hair from an area. Although this is a lengthy process, the lasting results are worth the time spent.

Does Electrolysis Hair Removal Hurt?

Each client’s experience with electrolysis will differ based on their pain tolerance. For more sensitive individuals, a topical anesthetic can be used to numb the area and reduce the pain. After your treatment, you can expect the affected skin to become red and irritated; however, this should resolve within 24 hours.

Will My Hair Grow Back?

No, the hairs that are destroyed with electrolysis will not grow back; however, it is always possible that new follicles will become active in the treated area. Electrolysis is the only permanent, FDA-approved method that will effectively destroy individual hair follicles. Despite this, other factors can impact hair growth, such as your lifestyle, diet, hormonal changes, and age. Any one or all of these factors can affect the stimulation of new hair germination cells that can stimulate hair growth. However, this is not the case for the majority of people. Normally, it is observed that new hair follicles will not grow in treated areas after electrolysis. If this does occur, a short maintenance session can be scheduled.

Are there any side effects?

For many, electrolysis has little to no side effects, commonly resulting in mild redness for a few hours post treatment. However, for some, electrolysis can leave the skin irritated and cause hyperpigmentation. These effects are not permanent, and can be treated after the electrolysis treatment is completed.

What do I do before my electrolysis hair removal treatment?

Please see the blog article: How to Prepare for Your First Electrolysis Hair Removal Appointment

What do I do after my electrolysis hair removal treatment?

  • After treatment, refrain from making the affected area warm or hot. Avoid direct sunlight, baths, saunas, and hot tubs.
  • If the area is irritated after treatment, you can apply a hydrocortisone-based product for relief.
  • Avoid rubbing or scratching the treated skin for the first 24 hours after a treatment session.
  • Do not pick at the treated area during the healing process.

Who should not receive electrolysis hair removal treatment?

People who are:

  • Pregnant
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Take an oral acne medication

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Aviva Dermatology for more information about electrolysis treatment or our other services, including skin cancer removal in Houston.